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moorfields primary


The Lowry offers a diverse and inclusive creating learning offer. With a variety of workshops linked to curriculum areas, mental health and wellbeing and project work.

All workshops and projects are tailor made to support your objectives and outcomes alongside enhancing pupils learning.

Please note that The Lowry is closed on Mondays and we continue to offer in school workshops every day of the week. Workshops can be 2 hours or 4 hours.

2 hour workshops £140 (Salford school rate – £126)

4 hour workshops £280 (Salford school rate – £252)

In School workshop £150 (Half Day) £300 (Full day)

If you have any questions please email


Primary Schools


  • Home sweet home – exploring your local area
    Working with a professional artist your class will explore their local area. Through consultation in advance we will tailor a workshop to your local area or to Salford.

Art Skills

  • Basics of Drawing
    In this workshop your class will work with a professional artists to learn the basics of drawing including, line and tone using a variety of media.
  • Basics of Painting
    In this workshop your class will explore the basics of painting with a professional artist including colour mixing, the colour wheel, tone alongside using a variety of tools

Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Yoga
    Working with a professional yoga practitioner your class will take part in a yoga session exploring breath and re-centering their minds.
  • Mindfulness and the sea
    Inspired by the seascapes of LS Lowry your class will take part in a session exploring mindfulness and how to connect to their feelings and emotions.

Secondary Schools

Wrap around workshops

Are you coming to see a performance or exhibition and would like to enhance the learning of your group through a workshop? We can create a bespoke workshop to complement your visit. Workshops can be performance or arts based and take place in the building or prior to or after your visit to see the show. Ranging from blood brothers to Macbeth we have something for you. All workshops are led by a professional artist.

Unlocking Shakespeare

Using drama to explore the canon of Shakespeare your class will work with a professional drama practitioner to explore themes and characters within the play to gain a deeper understanding of the piece and bring it to life. Please note which text you are studying when booking.


Working alongside a professional drama practitioner your group will work together to devise their own piece of theatre.

Contemporary Dance

Working with a professional dancer your class will explore contemporary dance. Whether beginner or more advanced this workshop can be tailored to your class.

Street Dance

Working with a professional dancer your class will explore street dance. Whether beginner or more advanced this workshop can be tailored to your class.

Puppetry skills

Working with a professional puppeteer your class will learn how to bring an inanimate object to life learning about the importance of breath, focus and weight.

Creative Learning Projects

Artist in residence – Bridgewater Primary School

On a weekly basis a professional artist works with a class delivering a variety of art experiences. Starting with giving the children the building blocks of the basics of drawing and painting and then moving onto how to draw a portrait, understanding perspective and mark making. Our artist in residence programme can either be the same artist each week or rotating through several artists to explore a wide variety of styles.

World Book Day – Victoria Park Primary School

A whole day exploring your favourite books. Working across EYFS, Key Stage 1 & Key stage 2 a variety of workshops took place throughout the school. EYFS explored storytelling through The Hedgehog and Her Hoglet, key stage 1 explored The Gruffalo and Key Stage 2 took on Gangsta Granny. Using a mixture of storytelling, visual art and drama activities every class took part in a workshop. Key Stage 2 came together and the end of the day to share what they had been doing during the day.

In school exhibition – Victoria Park Primary School

Over two weeks every class came to take part in a half day visual art workshop exploring theme of identity. The school wanted to create an in school exhibition that parents and carers could be invited to as a way to encourage families to come in to the school. Working with our galleries team a selection of work was exhibited in the main hall whilst other work took over the corridors of the school; hanging from ceilings and on display in exhibition display cases. Children acted as tour guys moving visitor throughout the space. In the main hall an artist worked with families to create a large scale display representing their school community.


What is Artsmark?

Artsmark award celebrates schools that champion the arts and strive for excellence in their provision. 

An award designed by schools for schools to make it more relevant to the changing educational landscape and, as such, it seeks to help schools strike a balance in meeting EBACC and STEM priorities.

As well as recognising schools that make the arts come alive, the Artsmark award is a useful, practical and valuable tool for enriching a school’s arts provision and ensuring the myriad of benefits brought by the arts are infused across the curriculum and the school community.  It provides schools with access to high quality and practical resources and enviable networks that will enable them to use the arts to inspire learning and harness the power of the arts in developing happy, successful and confident young people.

How can The Lowry support your school to achieve Artsmark?

We can support your Artsmark applications by helping you to demonstrate:

  • Effective working relationships with artists and arts organisations including workshops, visits and short to long term projects
  • Professional arts development opportunities for staff
  • A broad and balanced provision across art, craft and design, dance, drama and music
  • Engagement with their local community
  • Quality progression opportunities and access for all
  • Cultural awareness through the arts

 To find out more email:

Your Visit to The Lowry