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Zayn Fazal Copley Prize Winner 2021

Famous painting by LS Lowry reimagined by 7-year-old boy from Salford

One of LS Lowry’s most-famous paintings, Going to Work (1959), has been reimagined by a seven year old boy from the artist’s home town of Salford.

Entitled, Going to School (2021), the painting by Zayn Fazal from Monton, shows his classmates at Branwood Preparatory filing into school just as Lowry did with factory-workers in his iconic work.

His teacher, Mrs Jones, submitted the work to The Lowry’s annual ‘Copley Prize’ – a competition for work by children inspired by LS Lowry – and it has now been selected as the 2021 winner.

Zayn made a special visit to the gallery this week to unveil his work, which is hung alongside the original which inspired it.

Commenting on Zayn’s work, Michael Simpson, director of visual arts at The Lowry, said: “The other judges and I particularly liked the fact that Zayn had clearly studied Lowry’s techniques and unique style to create the image of his school. You could say that his work is ‘classic Lowry’ albeit with a contemporary slant.”

The work will be on display in the gallery’s permanent LS Lowry exhibition for one year.

For more information about how to enter The Copley Prize, visit here.

Following their phased re-opening after lockdown, the galleries are now open six days a week. (Tues-Fri, 11am-5pm and Sat-Sun, 10am-5pm). Admittance is free but donations are welcome.

The Lowry galleries are named The Andrew and Zoe Law Galleries in recognition of the couple’s £1m donation to the arts centre, which is a registered charity.